Knoxville receives hundreds of refugee families every year. They come from all over the world Bosnia, Burundi, Congo, Iraq, Iran, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and Viet Nam. Forced to flee their homes for ethnic, political or religious reasons. There are over 22 Million refugees in the world today. Many of these refugees arrive at Tyson McGhee Airport with literally the clothes on their back and sometimes a small suitcase. Bridge is the refugee resettlement agency for East Tennessee, a nonprofit that partners with locate churches to sponsor families as they adjust to a new county, new language, and new culture.
Cedar Springs Church like many churches in the area serve this great need. Almaz Gemechu is on staff with Cedar Springs, a political refugee herself from Ethiopia. Almaz knows first hand the needs of these families when they come to America. This ministry is about meeting the needs of people in the name of Christ. Sometimes it’s difficult to explain in words what a ministry is about all about. I think pictures are a great way to give a glimpse of the people we love and serve. The refugee ministry is something that I am passionate about and has been a huge blessing to me and my family.
For more information contact: (almaz) or (Elisa Chesney)
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